Change Your Story

“The book reminds me of how compulsive achievement was for me, and how breaking free has given me the satisfaction in my life that has always been missing.” Rebecca S Attorney

“My only regret in reading The Curse of the Capable Dr. C is that you didn’t write it ten years ago. Today I am mostly free of the obsessive drive to succeed at all costs but if I had known years ago what stages I needed to understand to make myself comfortable in my own skin I could have saved my marriage and been a better father”. Frank M, Owner of a Construction Company.

The Four Stages to Greater Love, Health and Success.

The Curse is ultimately at the root of most intimacy, lifestyle and achievement issues, and is resolved by developing a new view of yourself by changing your story(s); the unsupportive, fictional novel in your head.  The process by which this occurs is comprised of four distinct stages that lead to greater love, health and success.

They are as follows:

Stage 1 -Uncover Your Story

Uncover your story – the one that was created from compelling yet inaccurate information and why it’s not serving you.

Stage 2 -Discover the Consequences of Your Story

It describes the concept of Performance Addiction and the thinking that was born out of your fictional story. Performance Addiction is the belief that perfecting appearance and achieving status will secure love and respect. It is quite common in those suffering from the Curse. Performance Addiction is the most common characteristic of the Curse given the reinforcement of non-stop performance in today’s culture. It is an irrational, inaccurate belief system, hardwired early in life and reinforced by cultural expectations.

Stage 3 -Acknowledge the Emotional Impact of Your Story

The six trials of adulthood – (expectations, regrets and unfulfilled dreams, control, fear, intimacy, and community) that are amplified by this addiction and their effect on your behavior.

Stage 4 – Recognize How Your Story Distorts Your Thinking

During this stage you become keenly aware of the distortions in thinking that result from the Curse.

An invitation to Change Your Story, Balance Your Success and Get Your Lifestyle Working Better For You.

Once you appreciate your current story, and are away of it’s influence on your life, your attitude, your outlook and your results, you will know what stories need to change. This is when you will be successful improving your lifestyle and experiencing more balance in your life because you will no longer be driving yourself a little bit crazy. Peace of mind set’s in.

Final Resolution

The final resolution of the Curse results in developing a resilient sense of self and becoming what I call a Spiritual Learner- one who is open to ongoing learning throughout life from all credible sources. One who seeks further knowledge and wisdom without bias and preconceived notions. This is the mark of an individual who has freed himself/herself from the grip of the Curse.

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