“I drove my business to the top, working 80 hour weeks, traveling frequently and when I finally arrived I told my partner I felt Cursed. Why? No inner peace and just more to do every day, not at all like I imagined. Your book, like your groups, requires hard work, nothing achievers will balk at but it is a different kind of work. It is work for the soul and the heart. Something I knew little about. Everyone will benefit from this book that makes the commitment to open up and learn.~ Tom K, Retired CEO.
The Curse is a mental state where talented people mask their vulnerabilities through their capabilities. We refer to the curse when people are trying very hard in their efforts to achieve and perform to win the respect and love of other people.
What happens when you try your very hardest and yet you still can’t attain the healthy, balanced life you long for? What happens when you don’t understand the reasons your life is not satisfying? You feel Cursed! You’re disappointed you’re not living the life you thought all your hard work would bring, and you’re feeling run down in the process.
Early in life we create a novel, a fictitious story about ourselves that we write based on what we think is being reflected back to us from those around us – as if we are looking at ourselves in a mirror. If the mirrors you are looking into are cracked or inaccurate, you get a distorted view of yourself as you would in a circus mirror. As a result you create an inaccurate story about yourself and this story sets the stage for an irrational belief system. A lack of empathy creates an unsupportive internal story, a belief that you’re not quite good enough, which sets the stage for over-achievement in an effort to make up for what is secretly missing inside. When you are able to change your biased story, you can live a life free of tension and anxiety and full of joy and meaningful achievement.
- Begin to Change Your Story
Discover what achievers all over the world are realizing:
The story you created about yourself early in life, which is part fiction, is having a dramatic impact on your present lifestyle—how you think and live.
The assumption that all capable people in our culture have peace of mind and are satisfied with their life course is commonplace. Is this notion true? Not always. In fact millions have fallen prey to a belief system that says appearance and status provide the golden road to love and respect. In an attempt to perfect themselves, they are hiding their self doubt through constant achievement at the cost of losing balance and well-being.
Suffering from being overwhelmed emotionally and physically, exhausted and fatigued, often with the health complications of being overweight; they have been felt deeply disappointed.
The Curse of the Capable describes how a biased view of you can lead to a fragile sense of self, addictive thinking and behavior, and a seemingly mysterious downward spiral that the majority of people can’t see or untangle.
What led to this confused condition that ultimately hinders successful living?
In The Curse of the Capable you will read about men and women who long for intimacy and strive for perfection in an effort to please those around them. Ultimately they feel defeated, depleted of energy, and misunderstood; all while feeling obligated to perform for others at all costs. This book addresses the hidden challenge capable people have in taking care of themselves – Their Story
Each aspect of this hidden challenge is discussed through the poignant stories of everyday achievers from diverse backgrounds: housewives, lawyers, teachers, contractors, models, trainers, doctors, media personnel, corporate executives, as well as professional athletes.
This book will guide you in creating a balanced, healthy, higher achieving life, free of the guilt and tension of the past that is driving you crazy.
Dr. Arthur P. Ciaramicoli, author of the books The Power of Empathy and Performance Addiction, has spent the last 30 years studying, treating, and freeing capable people from all walks of life from the challenges that ruin the lives of otherwise intelligent, talented people and will help you balance your success. John Allen Mollenhauer, has spent the last 20 years dealing with the consequences of over achievement and will show you how to get out of the downward spiral and move forward in a position of strength by improving your lifestyle. It’s all in how you achieve your goals.
- Now let’s begin changing your story.
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